Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ahh!! The pain!

I know that most women complain about end-of-pregnancy pains, but holy cow!! I feel like someone's trying to split my pelvic bone in half with a crowbar!! This is insane. :)

The babies are moving so much lately! Its like they're getting restless and they know they only have "about" 3 weeks to stay in there!

I have to go to the hospital every week for BPP's (Its an ultrasound that checks to make sure they're moving, and practicing their breathing!) and at the check I went to on Thursday... Brandon moved butt-first! That little trouble-maker! ;) So he's just not going to stay put. *hehe* They are moving and "breathing" just fine. So I'm happy!

B and I went shopping this weekend, found a super-cute hamper for the nursery, got their diaper can, and a pack of bottles...put fresh batteries in the swings.. and we looked around and went "Gosh, there's nothing else we really need!"

So we are READY! We just need these little babies to bake a few more weeks, then we need Grandma J and Grandma P to come down, and they can come anytime after that!! I am SO excited to see my Mom and Mom-in-law :D Might get a bit confusing.. because when I need help and they're both there and I call out "Mom!" they'll both come running... hahaha! Its ok ;) I am so loved. <3


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