Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Haven't updated in a bit!

Sorry I haven't been on to update in a while.. with holidays and such coming up we've been really busy!

Lets see - I went to the Perinatologist on 11/6 and everything looked great!! He said at that appointment the twins were about 11 inches long and weighed just over 1 lb each!! They both are very active (which I can really feel and see now!), and they are both healthy as can be. I'm still convinced, though.. that they'll come out with black eyes. They beat each other up so much! :)

My last OB appointment was interesting -- my doctor and I talked about when we think I'll actually be delivering. She says she's really pulling for me to make it to Valentine's Day, in which case we'll schedule an induction. She also is having me go in for 2 rounds of injections of Betamethasone, which is a steroid that helps with the babies' lung development.

She advised me that the medication will stay in my system for 10-12 weeks. When I asked her if I would need another round of medication after that, she said: "No, I really think you'll deliver by then." Talk about eye-opening!!!! Knowing my little angels will be here in that short amount of time is really exciting, and completely terrifying to me. Mostly exciting though - haha!!

I am apparently being watched for Toxemia, because I'm putting out protein when I shouldn't be ... so my doctor is watching me pretty closely. I go in next Thursday 12/4 so I'll be sure and update then. I may get put on modified bedrest... we shall see.

Until then, Happy Thanksgiving and much love!! *hugs*