Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Update - another appointment on 12/4!

We visited with the Perinatologist again on 12/4 and had a growth scan done! Baby A (our little boy) has caught up! He weighed (at that point) 2 lbs 4 oz and they guessed he was about 14-15 inches long. He's all scrunched up at the bottom of my uterus... so he can't really move all that well! Baby B, our little girl, is 2 lbs 2oz, and is about the same length. She's moved from being horizontal at the top of my uterus to kind of being diagonal along my right side. They're thinking she's trying to help Mommy out and try to move more vertical so I can deliver easier... but little Mister doesn't seem too motivated to get out of the way. Its ok.. at least she's stepping on him to make up for it. *hehe* :)

They (the doctors) are telling me they think I'll deliver around 35 or 36 weeks. That's only 8 or 9 weeks away!!!!!! We are getting so excited, and just can't wait to meet these little acrobats. They are moving so so SO much now, and its hilarious to lie down at night and watch them just "jump" around. :) They are responding to sounds, and for some reason whenever I happen to have a kitty lay on my tummy, they don't like it all too much, and kick until she gets frustrated and jumps off. *laughs* They're already spunky.. just like their Mama. :)

I also visited my regular OB that same day and had some bloodwork done. They tested the averages of my last 3 months worth of blood sugar - and everything is fine!! They also tested my iron, and I'm just slightly anemic. With twins, its no wonder!!

Last night my Mom showed me pictures of the bedding she is making for them -- it is SO much more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, and I am so excited to see it all put together in their room. :) Mom is so talented, I wonder why I didn't get the creative gene... lol!

I have another peri appointment on 1/8 and a regular OB appointment on 12/18. If there's more to update, I'll be sure and do so then!!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Haven't updated in a bit!

Sorry I haven't been on to update in a while.. with holidays and such coming up we've been really busy!

Lets see - I went to the Perinatologist on 11/6 and everything looked great!! He said at that appointment the twins were about 11 inches long and weighed just over 1 lb each!! They both are very active (which I can really feel and see now!), and they are both healthy as can be. I'm still convinced, though.. that they'll come out with black eyes. They beat each other up so much! :)

My last OB appointment was interesting -- my doctor and I talked about when we think I'll actually be delivering. She says she's really pulling for me to make it to Valentine's Day, in which case we'll schedule an induction. She also is having me go in for 2 rounds of injections of Betamethasone, which is a steroid that helps with the babies' lung development.

She advised me that the medication will stay in my system for 10-12 weeks. When I asked her if I would need another round of medication after that, she said: "No, I really think you'll deliver by then." Talk about eye-opening!!!! Knowing my little angels will be here in that short amount of time is really exciting, and completely terrifying to me. Mostly exciting though - haha!!

I am apparently being watched for Toxemia, because I'm putting out protein when I shouldn't be ... so my doctor is watching me pretty closely. I go in next Thursday 12/4 so I'll be sure and update then. I may get put on modified bedrest... we shall see.

Until then, Happy Thanksgiving and much love!! *hugs*

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Gift From A Friend

Thank you for graphic Carmen!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Nursery - Times Remembered Theme

This is the theme decor I have picked for the nursery. The patterned fabrics will be used throughout, the accent color for the girl will be lavender and for the boy - blue.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Level 2 Ultrasound Today...

I saw my perinatologist today, and he looked at the babies' hearts, brains, limbs (which are just oh-so cute..) and everything looks perfect!! They weigh approximately 9oz, and have more than enough fluid around them and have good, strong heartbeats.

We also found out for sure -- we are having a boy AND a girl!!! We are just so excited and feel so blessed that we've not only managed to get to this point, but to have one of each? Its going to complete our family so perfectly!!!!!!

Thanks so much to my dear sweet Mommy. :) She made my page so pretty and made the awesome graphic for my page!! She's so creative. :D (Too bad I didn't inherit that gene.. LOL!)

Stay tuned!!! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our Story

I was encouraged to create a blog about my twin pregnancy and the experiences related to it by my Mom. :-)

We found out, after six years of just "winging it" that both my husband and I had our own issues relating to our fertility. He had a severely low sperm count and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In May, we were told by his urologist that between his issues, and my own, that our chances of conceiving in a natural manner were less than 2%.

I was prescribed Metformin to handle my PCOS, which is a result of my body's resistance to insulin. I also did some research online, about things that can boost sperm count. My husband began taking his natural supplements and vitamins in mid-May.

On June 28th, we were scheduled to attend a party for our friend's birthday. My best friend, jokingly, suggested I should probably take a pregnancy test, since you know.. we'd been trying, and I shouldn't go to a party and drink if I was indeed pregnant. I told her it was next to impossible. She nagged me more, so I finally just went to the dollar store and picked up a cheapie test.

I took it about 10 minutes before my husband got home, and at first I didn't see any line.. So I left it on the counter and thought to myself "Oh well, guess its beer for me tonight." LOL!

When my husband got home that afternoon, he asked what I'd been up to, told him about my BFF's insistance at taking a test and went into the bathroom to grab the test to show him that it was negative -- again... and when I looked, there was a second line!

I gasped as if a huge spider had invaded my bathroom and my husband ran up to me going "What what what what??" And I showed him the test. We both knew what it meant and got very excited. I went the next day to the drugstore and got a digital test, and when that positive reading popped up, we really believed it. :)

I went to the doctor, and had weekly appointments until my doctor actually saw a baby forming -- to quote her, "I'm keeping tabs on this until I see a head and a butt." *laughs*

Well, at my third weekly appointment, she found TWO heads and TWO butts. We were having twins! The shock, happiness, and overwhelming feeling of panic was too much for me, and my poor doctor had to walk me to my car. I told my husband, and at first -- he didn't believe me :) Its sunk in now!

We went from being told "There's no way," one month to "Surprise, you're having twins!" a month and a half later.

So that's our story of how our twins came to be. My due date is March 9th, however as twins are typically considered "full term" at 36 weeks, they will probably be delivered sometime mid-February.

As of today, I am exactly 18 weeks along and well into my 2nd trimester. I'm just now starting to feel wonderful. My "BIG" ultrasound to check for genetic defects and confirm the sex of the babies is on Tuesday 10/7, so I'll be sure to update then!! I went to the doctor on 10/2 and they confirmed 100% that one is a boy. They are ALMOST sure the other is a girl, but I'm not buying anything pink until I get that green light from the perinatologist. :-)

Keep your eyes here! There's surely going to be a lot going on here :-)